Transportation is an integral part of modern life. Without transportation, people would not be able to travel such great distances and would not learn about other cultures that exist. If no one traveled anywhere, many countries would not even have been discovered. And it all started with simple walking. People realized that it was possible to move even faster, using various animals: horses, camels. But progress didn’t stop there and people invented mechanical means of transportation. Today millions of people around the world use cars and other means of transportation to get to work, to school, or to go shopping.
- Cars
We can see cars everywhere on the street, they help people to get to the necessary destinations every day, or to make longer trips. There are different brands of cars in the world, and they all vary in price and quality. Used cars are slightly lower in price, while well-known foreign car brands can cost hundreds of thousands of units. There are also different sizes of cars, for example, a regular passenger car can hold 5 people, smart cars can only hold 2, and minivans can hold up to 7 people. In order to drive a car it is necessary to get a driver’s license, and to do this you have to study at a special school or attend special courses.
- buses
Buses are a type of transport that helps to carry a large number of people at the same time. There are different kinds of buses for different purposes. You may see buses on the road that carry passengers only within a city, or ones that travel between cities or even countries. Schools use buses to transport children to and from school. Buses are much larger than cars, which is why they require a different driver’s license.
- Trains
Trains are one of the greatest discoveries in history. In the days when cars and airplanes didn’t exist, trains were the only means of traveling long distances. Even though there are faster means of transportation now, traveling by train is considered one of the safest.
- Planes
It can sometimes take weeks to months to get to distant countries. This is why people have created airplanes that can travel long distances in a short amount of time. They are considered the fastest means of transportation and are becoming available to more consumers.
- Ships
Ships are vehicles that carry passengers over water. They too are classified according to their purpose. There are cruise ships that are used for entertainment purposes. On their board you can find restaurants, libraries, clubs, swimming pools and much more. Fishing boats are used to catch fish and deliver them to land. There are also cargo ships that are designed to carry large loads.